Tag Archives: art

"Whatcha gonna do brother..." Wrong guy?

And The Record For Most Simpsons Tats goes to…

You think he likes the Simpsons? New Zealander, Lee Weir was recently recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for having the “most tattoos of the same cartoon character tattooed on the body”. Weir has an entire sleeve dedicated to Simpson’s patriarch, Homer Simpson.



Guinness Book of World Records states: Lee has 41 tattoos of Homer in total, each representing Bart’s dad in various states, including Homer as a jack-in-the box, the Grim Reaper, in an elephant suit, as the Hulk, and even Homer as a donut.”

Can you show Marge some love?!

Can you show Marge some love?!

Weir’s motivation for getting the tattoos was because his father, who he described as a real life Ned Flanders, forbade him from watching the popular cartoon as a kid.

Don't tell him I prefer Family Guy

Don’t tell him I prefer Family Guy

Weir said he got the money for the body work by abstaining from alcohol for an entire year.


His wrestling alias is “Homer”.

Original article found on HuffPo.