Tag Archives: awkward


Most Awkward Phone Wallpapers

#1 That’s….Awkward

We get why a girl would find this guy attractive, but to put this much creepy time and energy into creating this background just weirds us out.

#2 Homey Simpson

You may all this awkward, as that is the definition of walking in on your father feeding pizza to his painted beer gut, but we call it pure awesomeness.

#3 Storm Trooper Do Your Thang!

Who knew storm troopers liked to party so hard when Darth Vader is out of the galaxy?

#4 Someone Loves Pregnant Bellies!

This is the type of thing only a proud father could have as the background on his phone. If this is not a proud father’s work then something very, very creepy is going on.

#5 So Bizarre

First off, that is not 50 Cent, it is T.I. Even if it were 50 Cent, what is he doing chilling with a killer whale and get that whale some water it is going to die!

#6 Rambo and Pup

Who does not want a little Sly Stallone in their face every time they go to check their missed calls? Us, for one, despite the cuteness of Rambo the canine.

#7 I’m Lovin’ It!

You must really hate McDonald’s for this to be the background on your phone.

#8 The Fist Meets the Hand

Something about human faces on inanimate objects just creeps us out. Impressive artwork, but WAY too creepy to be our phone background.

#9 Rocks + Zippers + Faces = Awkward

There is really no explanation necessary here, except for the one that tells us what odd ball came up with this idea for a phone background.

#10 Cats: A Man’s Best Background

We were loving this maze of cute kitties until the shirtless dude showed up. That is one sure-fire way to ruin a high quality screen saver!