Tag Archives: cute


Turbo The Two Legged Chihuahua

Cuteness has been taken to a new level by a two legged puppy named Turbo! The miniscule canine was brought to the Downtown Veterinarian where the staff McGuyvered a makeshift wheelchair using parts from a toy helicopter and a toy welding kit.

Too. Cute. Making. Me. Weak.

Too. Cute. Making. Me. Weak.

Turbo was the only one in his litter to be born with the defect and his previous owners were beginning to lose hope when vet after vet turned them down saying there was nothing they could do for the pup, until they got to Downtown Veterinarian.

According to Mashable, despite the birth defect, Turbo has a clean bill of health after a check up by Dr. Kim Cline. Turbo’s owners left him in the care of Dr. Cline and and staff member Ashley Looper.

I can't. I just can't.

I can’t. I just can’t. He’s in a damn tissue box!

Dogs who require carts can’t be fitted until they reach six months when they’re close to fully grown, but the staff at Downtown wanted to kickstart his mobility which led to the idea of making a cart suitable for a pup his size. They thought of everything from Matchbox cars to building a small skateboard when they  finally went with toy helicopter parts and finished it off with a children’s welding kit.

My head is about to explode! I can't take it!

My head is about to explode! I can’t take it!

The staff enlisted the help of Zore’s Towing, a local towing company, to fabricate a new cart that will better support Turbo, until he’s big enough for a permanent one.

Be sure to keep tabs on Turbo as he takes over the world by way of his instagram account!