Tag Archives: lie


10 Things Girls Always Lie About

#1 The 5 Indisputable Lies

Women are a proud sex, and there are certain things they just will not admit, no matter how wrong they are. These five lines are guaranteed lies.

#2 And She Lied….

Memes are not always true, but they are true like 95% of the time. This is one of those ninety five percent-ers.

#3 The Facebook Trail Don’t Lie

Facebook is like an all-seeing, all-knowing goddess of truth. Lie to me and I will check your Facebook for confirmation!

#4 Girl Compliments = Lies

This is not always true. If your best friend compliments you, you can safely assume she is not blowing smoke. If your bitter rival compliments you, it means the opposite.

#5 Bull Shark!

We are going to call bull shark anytime a chick tells us she has slept with one guy. You are either repulsive, which you clearly are not, or lying to us to cover your wake of dudes that you have banged.

#6 SO Many Vitamins

Leave it to Jenna Marbles to call out the weave wearers and the extension exhibitionists. There is nothing wrong with it, just don’t tell us your hair is real.

#7 I LOVE My Job!

Women, like we said, are very proud. Being unhappy is a sign of weakness. So no, she does not hate her job as the diaper disposal specialist at the local day care, she loves it in fact!

#8 The 5 Minute Mark

“in 5 Minutes” to a woman translates into “whenever the hell I feel like it”. So when she tells you she will be there “in 5 minutes”, you can translate what she really means.

#9 Batter Low, You are Boring

Getting off of the phone with a shnoozer of a friend or try-hard guy can be quite easy for a woman. All she has to do it lie…

#10 Girls Get Out of EVERYTHING

A chick has many advantages in life, and if you thought menstruating was a bad thing then you better think again. It is a permanent, ready-made excuse for practically any quandary.