Tag Archives: red


Biggest Dating Red Flags

#1 Just Dating?

That’s right someone is NOT “just married” but “JUST dating”. Who is this, the ’40-Year-Old Virgin’?

#2 Making Nutty Faces

Joking around and making funny faces is common in couples, but taking it to a semi-formal affair? Well, that’s a sign of a real nutter.

#3 Psycho Lover

Stay far away! Psycho lover could be one step away from being a psycho killer.

#4 Mother In Sheep’s Clothing

When her maternal instinct kicks in you’ll know, she likely wants to be you mother and not really your lover.

#5 A Car’s Metaphor Is You

When this person gets angry, guess where they will show it?

#6 The Text Warning..

Yikes! No reason to put warnings into texts when pictures are worth a million words!

#7 Crazy Chicks

A guy saying this is like a gal saying she doesn’t prefer “bad boys”.

#8 Are Psycho Girls Hot?

Want hot sex and passion ALL with the right cool-headed girl? Good luck bro!

#9 Are You Mr. Right?

Omg, gotta give it to her. . . at least she’s being honest, BUT she lied about birth control? Do you hear an alarm? If not, you might be Mr. Right.

#10 Back Stamps

If she’s gonna advertise who she is, then there’s no confusion here, right?

From DiggyButtMuncher



River in China Turns Red Overnight

What gives, China?! First the huge bugs, record breaking tumors, and now blood red rivers. It’s like a modern day Ten Plagues. Run! The end is coming!

I suggest all first born sons get out of there ASAP!

I suggest all first born sons get out of there ASAP!

A river in the Chinese town of Wenzhou suddenly turned red today, baffling locals and scientists alike. According to locals, the river was flowing normally at 4am, but was crimson red in less than two hours. Industrial contamination has been ruled out as there are no chemical plants nearby.

You guys are gonna regret not getting out of there!

You guys are gonna regret not getting out of there!

Something similar happened in 2012 when the Yangtze river changed colors due to what officials claim was a distribution of sand caused by uphill flooding. Locals and sceptics alike weren’t convinced, theorizing that it was an impending apocalypse among other bizzare conclusions.

Original article and photos attributed to the Mirror