Tag Archives: science


This is What Your Stomach Does To a Cheeseburger

Scientists were kind enough to demonstrate what atroctities go on inside us after devouring a burger. Fries and milkshake weren’t included.

The burger was placed in concentrated hydrochloric acid and left there for about two hours to break down.

Mmmmm! Sludgy!

Mmmmm! Sludgy!

Hydrochloric acid is found in our stomachs, so this process is actually occuring at this very moment, dissolving whatever you ate, or are currently eating, in which case, we apologize for ruining your culinary experience. If you're not grossed out, feel free to check out the video!



River in China Turns Red Overnight

What gives, China?! First the huge bugs, record breaking tumors, and now blood red rivers. It’s like a modern day Ten Plagues. Run! The end is coming!

I suggest all first born sons get out of there ASAP!

I suggest all first born sons get out of there ASAP!

A river in the Chinese town of Wenzhou suddenly turned red today, baffling locals and scientists alike. According to locals, the river was flowing normally at 4am, but was crimson red in less than two hours. Industrial contamination has been ruled out as there are no chemical plants nearby.

You guys are gonna regret not getting out of there!

You guys are gonna regret not getting out of there!

Something similar happened in 2012 when the Yangtze river changed colors due to what officials claim was a distribution of sand caused by uphill flooding. Locals and sceptics alike weren’t convinced, theorizing that it was an impending apocalypse among other bizzare conclusions.

Original article and photos attributed to the Mirror