Tag Archives: split

Tasteless-just-divorced-cakes (2)

Divorce Cakes the Latest Trend

Getting divorced is never a pleasant ordeal, but don’t tell that to the people celebrating the occasion. “Just Divorced” cakes seem to have become the latest trend, and if that wasn’t enough, the cakes seem to have been taken to another level of goriness (is that even a word?).


Break my heart, I break your wallet.

No longer is divorce a badge of shame, now it seems to have turned into a celebratory occasion, and why wouldn’t it be? You just made it out of a toxic relationship in one piece! Get out, start over, and order yourself a cake with an effigy of your decapitated ex mounted on top! Good times!

Um, that's not the bouqet!

Um, that’s not the bouqet!

Despite the decapitated grooms, and gunslinging couples on top of cakes, even bakers have a line they won’t cross. One baker refused to put “F*ck you, loser” on one of his confectionary pieces citing that it was “Crossing the line”. I imagine he said that while baking a “murder your ex” cake.

So romantic. He's teaching her to fly!

So romantic. He’s teaching her to fly!

If you’re gonna celebrate, might as well go all out!

Salud to the Mirror for the original article.