Tag Archives: text


10 Most Disturbing Text Message Fails!

#1 Absolutely Not

This is not ok, under any circumstance.


This is a fun game, only if you know it’s a game.

#3 Line, Crossed

Pretty gross tbh.

#4 Not A Cute Female, I Think

Bubble has been bursted.

#5 Busted!

That awkward time you caught your gf cheating on you, accidentally.


AND no, it’s not your phone.

#7 This Is Not A Cat

But you should stop sending these pics anyway.

#8 No Mom, NO!

This is never ok, no matter how close you are!

#9 Moms And Typos

Things can get very awkward, very fast.


Firs of all, you should never tell a girl she needs to lose weight. Second, don’t knock her up.