Tag Archives: tumor

Yang-Jianbin (1)

World’s Largest Tumor Removed From Man’s Back

Excuse me, you’ve got something on your back.

Yang Jianbin, 37, is recovering after surgeons removed what is believed to be the world’s largest tumor. What started off as a birthmark grew into a tumor weighing 242 pounds during a 25 year period.

Yang Jianbin moments before surgery to remove large tumor.

Yang Jianbin moments before surgery to remove large tumor.

According to the Mirror, Chief surgeon Chen Minliang said: “We have seen neurofibromatosis patients before, but this is the biggest nerve tumor we ever saw.”

Surgery to remove Yang's tumor begins

Surgery to remove Yang’s tumor begins

The tumor obviously affected Yang’s life greatly, not being able to walk, left only to sit or lay in bed all day long.

Freed from his own prison

Freed from his own prison

Removal surgery involved 9 doctors and took 16 hours. During the surgery Yang received more than five litres of blood – more than the entire amount an adult’s body holds.

For original article click here: Mirror

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Boy With 232 Teeth Undergoes Surgery

That must’ve been one killer smile! A boy in India went to the hospital complaining about painful swelling on the right side of his mouth. He noticed the problem over a year prior but doctors in his village weren’t able to make a proper diagnosis.

Gonna have to find a new nickname. "Jaws" no longer fits.

Gonna have to find a new nickname. “Jaws” no longer fits.

When teenager, Ashik Gavai finally head out to Mumbai to see a professional, doctors discovered the problem and immediately carried out on a 7 hour long operation. According to one of the surgeons, Dr. Sunanda Dhiware, the condition was diagnosed as a “complex composite odontoma where a single gum forms lots of teeth”. He compared the condition to a benign tumor.

Can I keep them? They'd go great with my gall stone collection!

Can I keep them? They’d go great with my gallstone collection!

According to the doctor, they couldn’t extract the teeth through surgical methods so they resorted to using a basic hammer and chisel to cut open the gum (not joking!). Once opened, little “little pear-like teeth started coming out, one by one”. In the end, doctors took out a total of 232 teeth!

This is like something out of a nightmare!

This is like something out of a nightmare!

Ashik now has just 28 teeth, and once recovered will receive caps to fill in the places where they removed teeth. He will require regular follow up visits to make sure the condition doesn’t return.


Original article can be found at Buzzfeed.