Tag Archives: walmart


FAILS! Crazy Things Walmart People Do

#1 Groping In the Aisles

Dude, really? What are you up to?

#2 Parking Lot Pool Party?

Well that’s convenient… these guys are having a pool party in a parking lot on Walmart


#3 Get Walked

Whether this is sexual, comedic, or just plain strange, it’s certainly hilarious. This guy is literally getting walked all over. The poor guy didn’t even get taken to the sporting aisle to get some knee pads first!

#4 Give Up

Sometimes, it’s just easier to give up. Take this guy’s example. He probably got sick of searching for Salt and Vinegar chips and gave up. Hard.


#5 Be Punished

This is gold. These parents are probably still laughing about this Walmart incident! What a great way to punish your child: publicly shame him and create painful memories that will never go away. All with a permanent marker and some bristol board.

#6 Find Their Childhood Friends

Nostalgia can make people do really crazy things. Like dress up like your childhood stuffed animal and walk around in public. We bet this guy knows what the fox says…


#7 Get Married

Here’s one way to avoid the cost of a venue and get the cheapest wedding photographer on the market. We only hope that this was a Walmart with a McDonald’s attached so that everyone at the reception was well fed.

#8 Baby Through The BarCode Scanner?

What exactly is this lady trying to do here?


#9 Collapse

We’ve all been there: your blood sugar is low and you feel like you’re going to faint. This guy seems to have run of of sugar just before being able to chug a whole case of soda. Poor guy.

#10 Find Themselves in Mishaps

A different version of being glued to the toilet, we can only assume that this lady is literally glued to the toilet. Maybe a Walmart employee got bored or was pissed at management and covered the toilet seats in superglue.