Tag Archives: best


The Best and Worst Sleeping Positions For Couples

#1 The Hair invasion

You love her long luxurious hair, BUT find out it has a personality of it’s own, OR was that a bad dream?

#2 Needing ‘Space’

All of a sudden, you’re wondering why you need more space in your relationship?


#3 Baby in Bed

Is it just us or does the dog house look like the most comfortable position here?

#4 The Unconscious Message

His says he loves you BUT does he really, if he “gives you the boot” at 2am? Better to stay on your side..


#5 The Battlefield

It’s comforting to know your partner is there when you fall asleep. . . But why does it turn into WWIII?

#6 The House Pet

It always starts with your cozy pet at your feet, BUT apparently you wake-up and find that “it” wasn’t cozy enough.


#7 What’s Better?

Sometimes some of us find sleeping with someone or EVEN our gadgets or our pets is better than sleeping alone. So sad..

#8 The Wrestler

He loves you. . . So much that he smoothers and kills you.


#9 Barnacle Vs Cliff Hanger?

One of you is holding-on to dear life, while the other won’t be able to hang-on much longer. . . And hopefully that’s not “to” the relationship.

#10 ALL 6 Position!

You might be surprised, but many couples end up in these positions ALL in one night, and we wonder why we’re exhausted when we wake-up?




With the release of The Hundred-Foot Journey and the mid-August mercury on the rise, we thought it high time we compiled a list of Latino food films worth cozying up to on your comfy sofa in your air-conditioned home.

Here are our picks for the five best food films with Latino themes. Did yours make the list?



Like Water for Chocolate

If you haven’t already seen this most famous of Latino food films, get thee to Netflix right now! Seriously, Like Water for Chocolate is a wonderfully whimsical food film that makes every recommender’s list – not just those that are Latin-centric – thanks to its beautifully written script and sensual scenes. Set in 1910 Mexico, it tells the tale of Tina and Pedro, lovers living together but forbidden to marry. (Pedro marries Tina’s sister in order to be near to his true love.) While preparing the couple’s wedding dinner, Tina discovers she has a talent for making people feel through food. Comedy, drama, and a fantastic story follow. Grab a Kleenex, prep some popcorn, and pull up a chair. You won’t be disappointed.




There are a lot of reasons for Latin food fans to love this film: taco truck, East LA kitchen slang, an abundance of abuela references and appearances. There are also a lot of non-food-related reasons to love this film: John Leguizamo and Sofia Vergara, for starters. But the fight to follow your passion is at the story’s heart. In Chef, the man fighting is John Favreau and the passion is cooking. After losing his esteemed restaurant job, Favreau embarks on a cross-country journey that helps him rediscover his culinary creativity and reconnect with his family. Though laughter and shenanigans are a part of every Favreau joint, Chef is also a tribute to the redemptive powers of food and the many ways in which it connects us to our culture.



Tortilla Soup

Tortilla Soup tells the story of a retired Mexican-American chef who lives with his three gorgeous, but single, daughters. Though he lost his ability to taste after losing his wife, he continues to prepare elaborate and traditional sit-down dinners for his family. His adult daughters humor him – he lost his taste buds and therefore much of his zest for life when he lost his wife, they reason – but are each frustrated by the lack of love in their own lives. Romance ensues when the father meets a charismatic divorcee and the daughters pursue their individual passions. This Latino food movie is a tale of discovery, finding love after loss, and realizing that the recipe for happiness often requires many ingredients.



Tortilla Heaven

Named for the restaurant around which the film’s plot centers, Tortilla Heaven is a story of food, faith, and family. The restaurant’s owner, Isidor, makes the best tortillas in town. Unfortunately, his talent isn’t enough to make his business succeed. The town’s population – a mere 73 residents – is too small to support a restaurant. Things take a turn, however, when Isidor witnesses a miracle: the face of Jesus Christ appears on one of his hand-made tortillas. The result is a scandalized restaurant that yields both financial success and notoriety, and a food film that is simultaneously sweet and smart.



The Last Supper

Released in 1976, The Last Supper is the “heaviest” film on our list. Set in the 18th century, it depicts Holy Week on a European-owned slave plantation in the Caribbean. Twelve slaves selected to commemorate the holy ceremony are vilified by the local priest and defined as heathens by the plantation’s overseer. Amidst racial tension, food comes to represent religious symbolism and an elusive goal of fellowship. Fraught with questions of faith, politics, and inequality, The Last Supper is a film that is simultaneously hard to watch and utterly captivating.


From Latina.com









The Five Greatest Luchadores of All Time

Pro-wrestling gets a bad rap here in the US. Sure, it’s all choreographed and the storylines are plotted out, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t skill involved. Those guys put their bodies through hell, not to mention the acting talent it takes to create a memorable character. Just watch “Mr. Nanny” with Hulk Hogan or “The Tooth Fairy” starring Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson and tell us those guys can’t act. Still, we have to say that we prefer our own great tradition of pro-wrestling: Lucha Libre. In Lucha, the stories and stunts are also choreographed, but the skill required is higher. We’d like to see “Stone Cold” Steve Austin try to do acrobatics like Rey Mysterio or Mistico without breaking a hip. Plus, their stories aren’t about what faction is running stuff at WWE or something like that. In Lucha Libre the good tecnicos and the evil rudos fight for the souls of humanity and the fate of the world. Plus, in Lucha Libre you have cool masks and midget wrestlers dressed like Napoleon. Here is Tuvez.com’s list of the 5 greatest Lucha legends of all time.


El Santo

Was there any doubt he would head our list? El Santo’s real name was Rodolfo Guzman Huerta. He came up in a time when Lucha only existed in Mexico, though he would help spread it all over the world. This is due in large part to his long movie career. El Santo starred in a series of movies in which he would defeat some evil threat to humanity. Vampires, mummies, aliens, mad scientists, and werewolves all met their end at the hands of El Santo. It is a testament to his popularity around the world, that I was once stopped by some sailors in Greece while wearing an El Santo t-shirt. They told me how much he is loved in Greece. It’s ironic that a Mexican dude from Tulancingo, Hidalgo would be that big in the place where wrestling originated.


Blue Demon

Blue Demon was the stage name of Alejandro Muñoz Moreno. Early in his career he was a rudo or bad guy. He had a great rivalry in the 50′s and 60′s with El Santo, and wrestled with evil tag team partner Black Shadow. Turns out he was only under Black Shadow’s spell, which was broken when El Santo unmasked Black Shadow. Then Blue Demon and El Santo became allies against evil. Blue Demon starred in nine movies with El Santo before striking off on his own. He made a total of 25 films and was second in popularity only to El Santo.


Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio is the name of several wrestlers from the same family. It is not uncommon for a character to get passed down once the original wrestler retires. Since they wear masks, the character represented by the mask is more important than the individual wrestler. Rey Mysterio, Sr. was the stage name of Miguel Lopez, who originated the Rey Mysterio character in the 70′s. He became one of Mexico’s most famous wrestlers in his day. When he retired he passed the gauntlet to his son El Hijo de Rey Mysterio and his nephew Oscar Gutierrez AKA. Rey Mysterio, Jr. The latter has had tremendous success in the WWE, and is probably the most popular luchador wrestling today.



Mil Mascaras

There is no greater insult in the world of Lucha than to have your mask removed in the ring. Mil Mascaras made sure that would never happen. His real name is Aaron Arellano, and he still sometimes appears in the ring even though he is 70. As his name implies, he wears several layers of masks. If anyone tries to rip his mask off, he will only find another mask underneath. Mil Mascaras also appeared in several films including “Las Momias De Guanajuato” which also starred El Santo and Blue Demon. That’s like when De Niro and Pacino appeared together for the first time in “Heat”.



Eddie Guerrero

Eddie was one of the greats of recent professional wrestling. He came from the storied Guerrero wrestling family, and spent most of his career wrestling in the WWE. He was a heel or bad guy for most of his career, though in real life he donated his time to many charities and substance abuse programs. Eddie was the world heavyweight champion, the first Latino to do so. Eddie also had a rivalry with Rey Mysterio, Jr. that lasted several years. Sadly, Eddie died at the peak of his career in 2005 from a heart attack. No matter what people say, Lucha really does take a lot out of your body.

Click here for original article from tuvez.com









The Top Ten Best Latino Boxers of All Time

When it comes to the sport of boxing, Latinos are some of the all-time greats. Talented Latino boxers hail from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua and Argentina. And they all pack a powerful punch! From Oscar De La Hoya to Wilfredo Gomez, meet the 10 most kick-azz Latino boxers of all time, courtesy of Bossip.com!






He famously won matches against tough competitors like Danny “Little Red” Lopez, Ruben Castillo, Juan Laporte, Wilfredo Gomez and Azumah Nelson, and a lot of people think that had he not died at a young age in an automobile accident, Sanchez would’ve become the greatest Featherweight boxer of all time.



The Panamanian boxer earned the nickname “Manos de Piedra” because of his scrappy style in the ring.  And in 2002, he received the honor by The Ring as the 5th greatest fighter of the last 80 years.



In the Latino Community, Julio Cesar Chavez is a synonym for champion. There is not a Latino in the world who isn’t familiar with the Mexican boxers prowess in the ring.  And the fact that he won six world championships in three weight divisions!



It’s impressive enough that Carlos Monzon held the World Middleweight Championship title for seven years, but what is more impressive is that he managed to defend his title 14 times!  Although his personal life was full of drama, and made plenty of headlines, during his career the boxer was beloved by the Argentine people.



Alexis Arguello is a winner in every sense of the word. Not only was he a three time world champion, but he also never lost any of his world titles in the ring.  In fact,  Arguello gave up his titles in order to compete in higher weight classes.



The Los Angeles born boxer comes from a long line of boxers including his grandfather, father and his brother, which obviously helped him master the sport at an early age.  Shortly after graduating form HS, De La Hoya- who is now a legend –famously won a gold medal at the Barcelona Olympic Games. Way to make us proud, Oscar!



Widely considered  one of the greatest Puerto Rican boxers of all time, Wilfredo Gomez holds the record for 17 consecutive knockouts!



He’s ranked #43 on ESPN’s 50 Greatest Boxers of All-Time, and it’s to see why; the Mexican boxer holds several world titles in several different weight classes.



The boxer is considered by many as the greatest bantamweight champion of all-time and fought in over 100 boxing matches, so it’s no surprise that he is a member of the Boxing Hall of Fame!



The left-handed boxer achieved a lot in his distinguished career, including being a part of the 1960 Mexican Olympic team. He was also a two-time WBA Featherweight Champion.

- See more at: http://bossip.com/931890/the-10-best-latino-boxers-of-all-time-43081/#sthash.JJ7XFwBb.dpuf


Top 10 Latino Rock Stars

Latino music is not just bachateros, reggaeton, and salsa — some of the world’s biggest rock stars have Latino blood in them! Here’s Zona de Sabor‘s list of the Top 10 Latino Rock Stars.

10. Vince Neil



Don’t let the blonde hair & all-American looks of the Motley Crue lead singer fool you — Vince is Mestizo, born to a Native American father & a Mexican mother.

9. Dave Navarro

 Oocities via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Oocities via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

The influential Jane’s Addiction & Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist is proud of his Mexican heritage, even though he doesn’t speak Spanish.

8. Julian Casablancas

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Last via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

The Strokes lead singer is the son of powerhouse model manager John Casablancas, who is Spanish-American.

7. Chuck Negron

Wolfmanjack via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Wolfmanjack via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Three Dog Night were one of the best-known rock bands of the late 1960’s & early 1970’s (ask your grandparents), in no small part due to the vocals of Chuck Negron, who was born to a Puerto Rican father.

6. Claudio Sanchez

Heavyblogisheavy via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Heavyblogisheavy via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Coheed and Cambria is one of the rawest, most blistering rock bands of recent times, largely due to the rebel yells of Puerto Rican & Italian Claudio Sanchez.

5. Zack de la Rocha

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Virginmedia via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Activist, author, & Rage Against the Machine lead singer is the grandson of a Mexican revolutionary.

4. Carlos Santana

Guitarlessons via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Guitarlessons via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

The legendary guitarist, Rock’n’Roll Hall of Famer, and shoe entrepreneur is of full-blooded Mexican ancestry.

3. Voltaire

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Tumblr via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

The critically-acclaimed Goth rocker has written songs for The Cartoon Network & The SyFy Network, and is also a professor at the School of Visual Arts in NYC, where he teaches classes under his given Cuban name, Aurelio Hernandez.

2. Tom Araya

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Edgecastcdn via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

As the lead singer of Slayer, this native-born Chilean helped pioneer heavy metal music. But behind the scenes, the 51-year-old Tomas Enrique Araya Diaz is a homebody, preferring to stay on his Texas farm with his family & his chickens.

1. Jerry Garcia

Aguidetoherenorthere via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

Aguidetoherenorthere via Zona DeSabor on BPNEXT

He was the lead singer of New Riders of the Purple Sage and, of course, The Grateful Dead. He has been given accolades by everyone from ice cream manufacturers (Ben & Jerry’s “Cherry Garcia”) to rappers (Proof of D12) and reggae artists (Burning Spear), and his impact on the pop culture zeitgeist cannot — and should not — be underestimated. Everything from tie-dye to dancing bears to Volkswagen’s entire identity in the American pop culture landscape is affiliated with Jerry Garcia, and he is one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Even people who have never heard a Grateful Dead song can identify something affiliated with Jerry Garcia. Now that’s BOSS.

Click here for original article from Zona De Sabor.