Tag Archives: diez


Clean Up Your Life With These 10 Brilliantly Simple Hacks

#1 Vinegar + baking soda = super clean diswasher

When you run your next load of dishes, place a (dishwasher safe!) cup of white vinegar on the top rack and add baking soda to the bottom rack and door. Run the dishwasher (use detergent like normal), and the combination will not only help the dishes get clean, but the dishwasher itself will be clean as well!

#2 Vinegar + baking soda = awesome

It was awesome when you made volcanoes with it as a kid, and it’s also awesome for more practical purposes. The classic acid/base reaction can be used to clean tons of things around your house, plus it’s safe and cheap.

#3 Clean Wooden or Bamboo cutting boards with lemon and salt

Lemons are your friend, too! Sprinkle wooden boards down coarse salt and run with a cut lemon. Rinse without soap and dry.

#4 Lemons for hard water stains

The acid in lemon juice dissolves the calcium that leaves the spotty hard water stains. If it’s a really tough one, you can add salt to the lemon and rub with that.

#5 Ammonia cleans an oven just by being ammonia

Make sure your oven is completely cold before trying this one, okay? Close half a cup of ammonia in a bowl in your oven overnight and the fumes will loosen the gunk so that you can simply wipe it down the next day.

#6 Use foil to clean glass cookware

Just crumple up a piece of foil to remove baked-on crud from glass cookware. The foil will have a surface similar to steel wool, but will be easier on your hands. It’s also a good way to get some use out of foil scraps you can’t reuse.

#7 Chalk for grease stain removal

Before throwing the clothes in the wash, rub grease stains with chalk. The chalk dust will absorb the grease, and then it will all be rinsed away in the wash.

#8 Use Play-Doh to clean up glitter

Simply press onto loose glitter to pick it up. As a bonus, you now have glittery Play-Doh.

#9 Use a squeegee to de-fuzz a carpet

It yanks the hair right out and collects it into easy-to-collect (if kinda gross) clumps.

#10 Clean makeup brushes with baby shampoo

Simply wash, rinse, and blot to see if there’s any makeup remaining. When they’re clean, hang them upside down to dry so water doesn’t collect in the handle


10 Most Disturbing Text Message Fails!

#1 Absolutely Not

This is not ok, under any circumstance.


This is a fun game, only if you know it’s a game.

#3 Line, Crossed

Pretty gross tbh.

#4 Not A Cute Female, I Think

Bubble has been bursted.

#5 Busted!

That awkward time you caught your gf cheating on you, accidentally.


AND no, it’s not your phone.

#7 This Is Not A Cat

But you should stop sending these pics anyway.

#8 No Mom, NO!

This is never ok, no matter how close you are!

#9 Moms And Typos

Things can get very awkward, very fast.


Firs of all, you should never tell a girl she needs to lose weight. Second, don’t knock her up.


10 Things Girls Always Lie About

#1 The 5 Indisputable Lies

Women are a proud sex, and there are certain things they just will not admit, no matter how wrong they are. These five lines are guaranteed lies.

#2 And She Lied….

Memes are not always true, but they are true like 95% of the time. This is one of those ninety five percent-ers.

#3 The Facebook Trail Don’t Lie

Facebook is like an all-seeing, all-knowing goddess of truth. Lie to me and I will check your Facebook for confirmation!

#4 Girl Compliments = Lies

This is not always true. If your best friend compliments you, you can safely assume she is not blowing smoke. If your bitter rival compliments you, it means the opposite.

#5 Bull Shark!

We are going to call bull shark anytime a chick tells us she has slept with one guy. You are either repulsive, which you clearly are not, or lying to us to cover your wake of dudes that you have banged.

#6 SO Many Vitamins

Leave it to Jenna Marbles to call out the weave wearers and the extension exhibitionists. There is nothing wrong with it, just don’t tell us your hair is real.

#7 I LOVE My Job!

Women, like we said, are very proud. Being unhappy is a sign of weakness. So no, she does not hate her job as the diaper disposal specialist at the local day care, she loves it in fact!

#8 The 5 Minute Mark

“in 5 Minutes” to a woman translates into “whenever the hell I feel like it”. So when she tells you she will be there “in 5 minutes”, you can translate what she really means.

#9 Batter Low, You are Boring

Getting off of the phone with a shnoozer of a friend or try-hard guy can be quite easy for a woman. All she has to do it lie…

#10 Girls Get Out of EVERYTHING

A chick has many advantages in life, and if you thought menstruating was a bad thing then you better think again. It is a permanent, ready-made excuse for practically any quandary.


10 Cheap Meal Life Hacks

#1 Cool Ranch Seasoning

Because why should that delicious flavor be limited to tortilla chips?

#2 Saving Avocados

Using lemon slices will help you keep your avocados fresh.

#3 Drip-Free PB&J

Don’t waste any of that tasty jelly, make a peanut butter barrier and fill the center with jam.

#4 Fresh Cake

Keep cakes moist by placing a piece of bread on top overnight.

#5 Ice Cream Sandwich

Don’t waste money buying ice cream sandwiches when you can just make some at home.

#6 Toasted Bread

Up the quality of any sandwich by using your toaster to bring it all together.

#7 Yogurt Replacement

Need to make your food supplies spread further? Yogurt can replace everything and help you save some money.

#8 Lasting Bananas

Wrap the top of your bananas with plastic wrap and get them to last four to five days longer.

#9 Buck Menu Blowout

Get a double cheeseburger and a spicy chicken sandwich from McDonalds and you’ll have a very filling meal for two bucks!

#10 Pizza Omelet

Have a leftover slice of pizza and want to make it go a litter further? Pizza omelet!


Funniest Facebook Fails

Sometimes Facebook is just too entertaining!


#1 She’s so Strogn

Guessing her friend’s name isn’t really “Angle” either. Who needs to spell properly anyway?

#2 Nice Pair

Sure, she’s playing dumb (we hope) but she didn’t post this to show off her sunglasses.


#3 Pre-Owned

Um… no thank you! That’s easily one of the nastiest posts that’s ever happened.

#4 Is This a Joke?

Let’s hope this is a joke, otherwise let’s hope the thieves clean him out.


#5 All the Attention

EVERYBODY has people like this on their page. It’s Facebook, not therapy.

#6 Eye Q

Some people just can’t be bothered with those little details like proper grammar…


#7 The Ol’ Switcheroo

That’s 10 points to mom and dad, zero for their semi-alcoholic kid!

#8 Things that Don’t Break

This is a pretty great list of things that won’t get broken if dropped on the floor. In fact, a heart would probably survive too.


#9 Flames of Jesus

You know what, that guy has a really good point. Maybe Jesus is trying to help the guy turn it around?

#10 A Woman’s Place

The only thing that beats a mother with a smart mouth is a mother with a smart mouth who follows her kids’ updates on Facebook.