Tag Archives: fails


10 Most Disturbing Text Message Fails!

#1 Absolutely Not

This is not ok, under any circumstance.


This is a fun game, only if you know it’s a game.

#3 Line, Crossed

Pretty gross tbh.

#4 Not A Cute Female, I Think

Bubble has been bursted.

#5 Busted!

That awkward time you caught your gf cheating on you, accidentally.


AND no, it’s not your phone.

#7 This Is Not A Cat

But you should stop sending these pics anyway.

#8 No Mom, NO!

This is never ok, no matter how close you are!

#9 Moms And Typos

Things can get very awkward, very fast.


Firs of all, you should never tell a girl she needs to lose weight. Second, don’t knock her up.


Epic Safety Fails!

#1 Bucket List

This should be on everyone’s bucket list. #pun #notgoingtohelp

#2 Axe Spray

Axe body spray was not supposed work like this. Blood doesn’t smell very sensual, you know?

#3 Ladder Up!

Nope. You’re doing it wrong. That’s what they sell long painting rods for.

#4 Electricity Fail

He was a good man, a good father, and a good son. He will be missed. The other guy too.

#5 Bikers Gone Wild

It’s a good thing you have that helmet on! But just FYI, that helmet isn’t going to save your phone when you crash. Better get a case for it.

#6 Virus Protection

Looks like someone needs to update their software.

#7 Back Up, Son!

Normally that’s what the bike lane is for, but kudos for taking extra precautions.

#8 Leading the Way to Safety

We know we can depend on the Texas Department of Public Safety for all our safety needs!

#9 Heads Up

Heads up, bro: That plastic hat thing goes on your head, not your hair.

#10 Choking Hazard

You try to protect your eyes and you end up suffocating. We just can win in this life, can we?


FAILS! Crazy Things Walmart People Do

#1 Groping In the Aisles

Dude, really? What are you up to?

#2 Parking Lot Pool Party?

Well that’s convenient… these guys are having a pool party in a parking lot on Walmart


#3 Get Walked

Whether this is sexual, comedic, or just plain strange, it’s certainly hilarious. This guy is literally getting walked all over. The poor guy didn’t even get taken to the sporting aisle to get some knee pads first!

#4 Give Up

Sometimes, it’s just easier to give up. Take this guy’s example. He probably got sick of searching for Salt and Vinegar chips and gave up. Hard.


#5 Be Punished

This is gold. These parents are probably still laughing about this Walmart incident! What a great way to punish your child: publicly shame him and create painful memories that will never go away. All with a permanent marker and some bristol board.

#6 Find Their Childhood Friends

Nostalgia can make people do really crazy things. Like dress up like your childhood stuffed animal and walk around in public. We bet this guy knows what the fox says…


#7 Get Married

Here’s one way to avoid the cost of a venue and get the cheapest wedding photographer on the market. We only hope that this was a Walmart with a McDonald’s attached so that everyone at the reception was well fed.

#8 Baby Through The BarCode Scanner?

What exactly is this lady trying to do here?


#9 Collapse

We’ve all been there: your blood sugar is low and you feel like you’re going to faint. This guy seems to have run of of sugar just before being able to chug a whole case of soda. Poor guy.

#10 Find Themselves in Mishaps

A different version of being glued to the toilet, we can only assume that this lady is literally glued to the toilet. Maybe a Walmart employee got bored or was pissed at management and covered the toilet seats in superglue.




Church Sign Fails!

#1 What Convention?!

The awkward moment when you notice an accidental typo on a church sign that carries sexual undertones…the CornerStone House of Refuge may have confused their followers so much! We wonder if anyone was brave enough to point out the hilarious mistake, or if perhaps people attended the convention expecting something very different to their normal church sermon?

#2 Exploitation Workshops

If you’re after a free workshop containing helpful tips and tricks on the subject of the sexual exploitation of children, then you’ve come to the right church! We wonder exactly how many passers-by this sign freaked out…Perhaps someone ought to tell this church to focus their efforts on a more family-friendly topic.


#3 On Your Knees

Yep, it’s another unfortunate church sign to succumb to accidental sexual innuendo – How embarrassing! Established as early as 1900, it does not surprise us that the First Baptist Church Newark is a little behind the times when it comes to innuendo and slang…Perhaps someone ought to give this church “the talk”.

#4 Fo Shizzle

This church sign is just plain silly! Another attempt to make church and religion appeal more to the younger, more “hip” generations perhaps? All messages seem to be lost in translation with this church sign, and we can imagine a lot of passers-by looking up at it only to scratch their heads in confusion. Bellegrove Missionary Baptist Church, you have a lot of explaining to do!


#5 Church Will Help

Why let your worries kill you when the Church of the Cross is offering to kill you instead? At least, that’s how this sign has been written to convey! Yep, another church sign fail from an unsuspecting church who only wants to help you! Having people thinking the church wants to kill them though is probably no way to gain followers…

#6 Have a Heart!

Oh no, have a heart for this poor church who may have gone days without noticing the major and hilarious typo on their church sign – Epic fail! The day we start to “let Jesus into our fart” is perhaps the day he stops forgiving those sins of ours! Remember, not everything you read on a church sign is intelligent, or true…


#7 Touch Everyone

Yikes, when a church starts advising its followers to “touch everyone for Jesus”, we can only assume that they are going to lose some church attendees… We’re not so sure that Jesus would think too highly of this one! Remember, next time someone comes up to you and touches you, they must just be a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

#8 Rocket Surgery?

This church sign will make passers-by laugh every time – It certainly isn’t rocket surgery because there’s no such thing! One would think that arranging words and letters on a church sign would be neither ‘rocket science’ nor ‘brain surgery’. Oh Sunny Hills Church of Christ, we think it’s time to hire a new person in charge of that sign…


#9 Bring Me That…

The New Olivet Baptist Church’s Sunday message seems to have been a little muddled up…Unless Jesus was referring to a very important donkey, we cannot imagine him being quoted as saying “bring me that ass”! On another note, what significance does this message even contain? Oh church signs, you’ve failed yet again!

#10 Meet Jesus

While some church signs are humorous, and others are just a plain failure at getting a certain message across, this sign takes it all to a whole new, and extremely dangerous, level. Lets admit it, there are some devoted followers of Jesus in this world, and telling them to “text while driving” in order to meet him is perhaps not the best idea! You never know who will take a church sign seriously. We hope people stuck to the first option…