Man Starts Fire Trying to Kill Spider

Please note that the following is not an episode of Beavis & Butthead.

A man from the Seattle area set his home ablaze after trying to kill an unwelcome 8 legged invader with fire. The man noticed the spider in the laundry home of his rental, and decided that the best course of action would be to rig up a homemade flame thrower using a lighter and a can of spray paint, and burning it.

A bit much dude. Don't ya think?

Dude, a bit much. Don’t ya think?

According to KOMOnews, it will cost over $40,000 to repair the house, and another $20,000 to replace or repair the contents of the home.

Collateral damage in the war against arachnids.

Collateral damage in the war against arachnids.

To make matters worst, firefighters had to battle the blaze from a distance after learning that the house was full of ammunition. This story just keeps getting better, doesn’t it? And after all is said and done, KOMOnews reported the following:

A legend among spider.

A legend among spiders.

Next time, I suggest using a rolled up newspaper. Less expensive, and it won’t leave you homeless.




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