Tag Archives: media


10 Examples of Facebook Getting Weird

#1 Doing Homework?

She’s at the school’s library for goodness sake, this is what they do there now. Nope.

#2 For ‘Safety’ Reasons..

A friend: “isn’t that what they put on small things”? Give that friend a medal!!


#3 Attention Wh*res

Right. . . Why would someone want friends to know she’s in the shower? ATTENTION.

#4 Family On Facebook

More times than not, a public shaming will come from family. Worse thing is family is family, and you can’t ‘offend’. . . especially Granny.


#5 The Drama Queen

The drama queen is a queen and don’t you ever try to out “queen” her.

#6 Obsessed Girlfriend?

Through our Facebook feed, we keep in touch with the pulse of culture. . . good, bad and plain WEIRD.


#7 Public Embarrassment

Facebook is kinda like school for some who apparently didn’t go to school.

#8 Google Search Please..

Too bad it’s a conflict of interest for Facebook to explain how to use Google search in their “settings”. It would save a lot of grief and embarrassment.


#9 Getting ‘Owned’

What’s a bullseye target for getting “owned”? Sentimentality.

#10 Facebook Boring?

A gauge to knowing when friends are getting bored, is when your posts begin to get punked.




Facebook To Test Buy Button

Like, share…buy? If it pans out, you’ll be able to do your online shopping without ever leaving the digital confines of your Facebook page.

You Like, You Buy!

You Like It, You Buy It!

According to News, technology, and social media site Mashable, Facebook has announced testing of the feature “to help businesses drive sales through the news feed and on their Facebook pages”.

In a statement on their website, the social media giant said “With this feature, people on desktop or mobile can click the ‘Buy’ call-to-action button on ads and Page posts to purchase a product directly from a business, without leaving Facebook.”

Facebook has officially won the internet.

Facebook has officially won the internet.

Earlier this year, Facebook also announced plans to introduce more options for marketers, including a “Shop Now” button.

Twitter is also said to be experimenting with a “Buy Now” option.

I for one welcome our new digital overlords!