Tag Archives: weird


10 Examples of Facebook Getting Weird

#1 Doing Homework?

She’s at the school’s library for goodness sake, this is what they do there now. Nope.

#2 For ‘Safety’ Reasons..

A friend: “isn’t that what they put on small things”? Give that friend a medal!!


#3 Attention Wh*res

Right. . . Why would someone want friends to know she’s in the shower? ATTENTION.

#4 Family On Facebook

More times than not, a public shaming will come from family. Worse thing is family is family, and you can’t ‘offend’. . . especially Granny.


#5 The Drama Queen

The drama queen is a queen and don’t you ever try to out “queen” her.

#6 Obsessed Girlfriend?

Through our Facebook feed, we keep in touch with the pulse of culture. . . good, bad and plain WEIRD.


#7 Public Embarrassment

Facebook is kinda like school for some who apparently didn’t go to school.

#8 Google Search Please..

Too bad it’s a conflict of interest for Facebook to explain how to use Google search in their “settings”. It would save a lot of grief and embarrassment.


#9 Getting ‘Owned’

What’s a bullseye target for getting “owned”? Sentimentality.

#10 Facebook Boring?

A gauge to knowing when friends are getting bored, is when your posts begin to get punked.




Face Transplant Patient on Cover of GQ

Richard Norris, 39

Richard Norris, 39

A Virginia man who lost half of his face to a shotgun accident, lived 15 years of his life without the bottom portion of his face, then received a face transplant has now graced the pages of GQ magazine with his own photoshoot.

Richard Norris received one of the world’s most extensive facial transplants in March of 2012, replacing everything below his eyes. Everything from his eyelids, to his jaw, and even his teeth once belonged to a 21-year old man named Josh.

In 1997, a 22-year old Norris blew off half of his face with a 12 gauge shotgun, according to GQ. Though he doesn’t remember anything from the incident and depends on his mom to recall that horrific day.

Richard Norris

Richard Norris

For 15 years since the incident, Norris lived with his parents in rural Virginia as a near recluse until Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez and a team at the university of Maryland Medical Center performed an extensive face-transplant operation that lasted 36 hours. It was only the 23rd procedure to have taken place. It was also the doctor’s first time performing the operation on a live patient.

Despite being given a 50% chance to survive the procedure, Norris made it through and has thrived since.  There are still concerns that his body might reject the face, for which he takes medication to keep that from happening.

His life may not be a normal one, considering he can’t get a job, and he can’t drive due to his risk of having seizures, but being an inspiration to so many people more than makes up for it.

Original article from NY Daily News.





World’s Heaviest Pole Dancer








Double the fun for the price of one! LuAyne Brown, of Hanover, MD, has the distinction of being the world’s heaviest pole dancer, and she has never felt sexier since dancing professionally.

As she works the poles with the agility and grace of a dancer half her size, Lulu hopes to promote and bring awareness to body acceptance.

Werk it, Sista!

Werk it, Sista!

The dancer says she has always been very active, and was even an athlete in highschool, having had been a cheerleader, field hockey and softball player, and an avid swimmer.

Self-confidence. The sexiest of all traits.

Self-confidence. The sexiest of all traits.

Lulu gained quite the following after posting videos of her work, but everything blew up after making an appearance on America’s Got Talent, with her social media accounts flooded with messages and new followers.

I'll be here all week!

I’ll be here all week!

Of her personal goals, her biggest one is to win a competition. She’s gotten close since competiting proffesionally in 2008, but that big win continues to elude her.  She also would like to make it a career as either a performer or a teacher.

Click here for original article from NY Daily News.




6 Ghost Towns in South America

The people at Urban Ghosts took a tour of some of the creepiest places in South America. From abandoned factories, to desolate Ghost towns. The following is what they found.

Chaitén, Chile

Chi-Chi-Chi! Le Le Le! I'm outta here!

Chi-Chi-Chi! Le Le Le! I’m outta here!

An impending volcanic eruption forced residents to evacuate the small town in May of 2008. Anticipating a return, they saw their hopes shattered when the collected debris and mudflow overwhelmed a nearby river and flooded the town, causing so much damage that the town was deemed uninhabitable.

Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works, Chile

Expecting a gun fight to break out any moment.

Expecting a gun fight to break out any moment.

The Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter works are two former saltpeter refineries in northern Chile, established in 1872 while the region was still part of Peru. Before being forced to sell due to effects of the Great Depression, busy towns grew around both works, and despite Santa Laura not enjoying great success, Humberstone became the the most successful saltpeter in the region. Both plants were abandoned in 1960, and are now UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Armero, Colombia



The Armero Tragedy is one of South America’s most tragic ghost town stories. An eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano destroyed the town, which until then, was the seat of the region, killing around 23,000 of its 31,000 inhabitants. Survivors were relocated to neighboring towns. The incident made international news.

As a reminder of the tragedy, survivors constructed an extensive cemetary on the site, constructing tombs with epitaphs where their homes used to be. The symbolic city is now called Camposanto.

Jonestown, Guyana



One of the most infamous incidents in modern history was the Jamestown “Revolutionary Suicide”. Led by cult leader Jim Jones, 918 members of the People’s Temple cult died at his settlement as well as at a nearby airstrip, and in Guyana’s capital Georgetown on November 18, 1978.

Jonestown was never inhabited again and lies in ruins to this day. The events that took place there are considered the largest single loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster before 9/11.

Sewell, Chile

At least there's no traffic!

At least there’s no traffic!

Founded in 1904 by Braden Copper Co., this colorful Chilean ghost town presided over the largest underground mine in the world. Sewell was home to over 14,000 people by 1918, and enjoyed many decades of prosperity.

The “City of Stairs” lacked many roads, and their workers, as well as families, reached Sewell by train. The camp began to fall silent in 1977 when the company started relocating workers to another site, but in 1988 the Chilean government declared Sewell a National Monument, and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Fordlândia, Brazil

I saw this movie once. Doesn't end well.

I saw this movie once. Doesn’t end well.

Fordlândia is an abandoned, prefabricated town in the Amazon rainforest. Purchased by Henry Ford in 1928, it was intended to supply cultivated rubber for the Ford Motor Company. Several factors contributed to the site closing down before even producing anything, a few of which were unfavorable weather conditions, and the manufacturing of synthetic rubber. Henry Ford’s grandson sold the site for a $20 million loss, and to this day remains an abandoned site.

Click here for original article at Urban Ghosts.







This is What Your Stomach Does To a Cheeseburger

Scientists were kind enough to demonstrate what atroctities go on inside us after devouring a burger. Fries and milkshake weren’t included.

The burger was placed in concentrated hydrochloric acid and left there for about two hours to break down.

Mmmmm! Sludgy!

Mmmmm! Sludgy!

Hydrochloric acid is found in our stomachs, so this process is actually occuring at this very moment, dissolving whatever you ate, or are currently eating, in which case, we apologize for ruining your culinary experience. If you're not grossed out, feel free to check out the video!



River in China Turns Red Overnight

What gives, China?! First the huge bugs, record breaking tumors, and now blood red rivers. It’s like a modern day Ten Plagues. Run! The end is coming!

I suggest all first born sons get out of there ASAP!

I suggest all first born sons get out of there ASAP!

A river in the Chinese town of Wenzhou suddenly turned red today, baffling locals and scientists alike. According to locals, the river was flowing normally at 4am, but was crimson red in less than two hours. Industrial contamination has been ruled out as there are no chemical plants nearby.

You guys are gonna regret not getting out of there!

You guys are gonna regret not getting out of there!

Something similar happened in 2012 when the Yangtze river changed colors due to what officials claim was a distribution of sand caused by uphill flooding. Locals and sceptics alike weren’t convinced, theorizing that it was an impending apocalypse among other bizzare conclusions.

Original article and photos attributed to the Mirror


Yang-Jianbin (1)

World’s Largest Tumor Removed From Man’s Back

Excuse me, you’ve got something on your back.

Yang Jianbin, 37, is recovering after surgeons removed what is believed to be the world’s largest tumor. What started off as a birthmark grew into a tumor weighing 242 pounds during a 25 year period.

Yang Jianbin moments before surgery to remove large tumor.

Yang Jianbin moments before surgery to remove large tumor.

According to the Mirror, Chief surgeon Chen Minliang said: “We have seen neurofibromatosis patients before, but this is the biggest nerve tumor we ever saw.”

Surgery to remove Yang's tumor begins

Surgery to remove Yang’s tumor begins

The tumor obviously affected Yang’s life greatly, not being able to walk, left only to sit or lay in bed all day long.

Freed from his own prison

Freed from his own prison

Removal surgery involved 9 doctors and took 16 hours. During the surgery Yang received more than five litres of blood – more than the entire amount an adult’s body holds.

For original article click here: Mirror

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Long-dragon-fly-like-teeth (1)

Bug of Your Nightmares is Real, Takes Record as Biggest on the Planet

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife! Scientists in China have discovered what is believed to be the biggest flying insect on the planet.

Where's Godzilla when you need him?!

Where’s Godzilla when you need him?!

Larger than a human hand, this overgrown specimen of the Giant Dobson Fly measures a gargantuan 21cm. Normally found in other regions of China, this fly was found in Sichuan province, a region not know as a habitat for the species.

The presence of the bug that will soon take over the world, is known among entymologists as an indicator of water quality. By the looks of it, there must be some kind of nuclear action going on in those parts.

The giant dobsonfly is highly sensitive to any change in the pH of water, as well as the presence of trace elements of pollutants.

Eats smaller bugs, bigger bugs, bricks, cinder blocks, etc...

Eats smaller bugs, bricks, cinder blocks, etc…

The fly thrives in clean water and if contaminated, will seek out a new home. They get their food from water and nearby plants and their larvae shelters in the water to increase their chances of survival.


Kill it with fire!

Kill it with fire!


Original article here : World’s largest flying insect discovered – EIGHT inches wide with pincers and long teeth

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"Whatcha gonna do brother..." Wrong guy?

And The Record For Most Simpsons Tats goes to…

You think he likes the Simpsons? New Zealander, Lee Weir was recently recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for having the “most tattoos of the same cartoon character tattooed on the body”. Weir has an entire sleeve dedicated to Simpson’s patriarch, Homer Simpson.



Guinness Book of World Records states: Lee has 41 tattoos of Homer in total, each representing Bart’s dad in various states, including Homer as a jack-in-the box, the Grim Reaper, in an elephant suit, as the Hulk, and even Homer as a donut.”

Can you show Marge some love?!

Can you show Marge some love?!

Weir’s motivation for getting the tattoos was because his father, who he described as a real life Ned Flanders, forbade him from watching the popular cartoon as a kid.

Don't tell him I prefer Family Guy

Don’t tell him I prefer Family Guy

Weir said he got the money for the body work by abstaining from alcohol for an entire year.


His wrestling alias is “Homer”.

Original article found on HuffPo.