Tag Archives: news

Yang-Jianbin (1)

World’s Largest Tumor Removed From Man’s Back

Excuse me, you’ve got something on your back.

Yang Jianbin, 37, is recovering after surgeons removed what is believed to be the world’s largest tumor. What started off as a birthmark grew into a tumor weighing 242 pounds during a 25 year period.

Yang Jianbin moments before surgery to remove large tumor.

Yang Jianbin moments before surgery to remove large tumor.

According to the Mirror, Chief surgeon Chen Minliang said: “We have seen neurofibromatosis patients before, but this is the biggest nerve tumor we ever saw.”

Surgery to remove Yang's tumor begins

Surgery to remove Yang’s tumor begins

The tumor obviously affected Yang’s life greatly, not being able to walk, left only to sit or lay in bed all day long.

Freed from his own prison

Freed from his own prison

Removal surgery involved 9 doctors and took 16 hours. During the surgery Yang received more than five litres of blood – more than the entire amount an adult’s body holds.

For original article click here: Mirror

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"Whatcha gonna do brother..." Wrong guy?

And The Record For Most Simpsons Tats goes to…

You think he likes the Simpsons? New Zealander, Lee Weir was recently recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for having the “most tattoos of the same cartoon character tattooed on the body”. Weir has an entire sleeve dedicated to Simpson’s patriarch, Homer Simpson.



Guinness Book of World Records states: Lee has 41 tattoos of Homer in total, each representing Bart’s dad in various states, including Homer as a jack-in-the box, the Grim Reaper, in an elephant suit, as the Hulk, and even Homer as a donut.”

Can you show Marge some love?!

Can you show Marge some love?!

Weir’s motivation for getting the tattoos was because his father, who he described as a real life Ned Flanders, forbade him from watching the popular cartoon as a kid.

Don't tell him I prefer Family Guy

Don’t tell him I prefer Family Guy

Weir said he got the money for the body work by abstaining from alcohol for an entire year.


His wrestling alias is “Homer”.

Original article found on HuffPo.


Man Starts Fire Trying to Kill Spider

Please note that the following is not an episode of Beavis & Butthead.

A man from the Seattle area set his home ablaze after trying to kill an unwelcome 8 legged invader with fire. The man noticed the spider in the laundry home of his rental, and decided that the best course of action would be to rig up a homemade flame thrower using a lighter and a can of spray paint, and burning it.

A bit much dude. Don't ya think?

Dude, a bit much. Don’t ya think?

According to KOMOnews, it will cost over $40,000 to repair the house, and another $20,000 to replace or repair the contents of the home.

Collateral damage in the war against arachnids.

Collateral damage in the war against arachnids.

To make matters worst, firefighters had to battle the blaze from a distance after learning that the house was full of ammunition. This story just keeps getting better, doesn’t it? And after all is said and done, KOMOnews reported the following:

A legend among spider.

A legend among spiders.

Next time, I suggest using a rolled up newspaper. Less expensive, and it won’t leave you homeless.





Caught Having Sex With a Pool Raft…Again!

I’m at a loss for words here.

A man in Hamilton, Ohio was arrested for allegedly having sex with a pool raft on the side of the road. According to Fox19, this isn’t the first time either. Back in 2011, Edwin Tobergta was caught banging his neighbor’s pink raft in an alley. In 2013 he was arrested and charged with the same thing, WITH THE SAME RAFT! In 2002, Tobergta was charged with public indecency after pleasuring himself with a plastic pumpkin in the presence of children.

You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

But I love her!

But I love her!

As of press time, there are no comments from the Raft’s representatives.


Turbo The Two Legged Chihuahua

Cuteness has been taken to a new level by a two legged puppy named Turbo! The miniscule canine was brought to the Downtown Veterinarian where the staff McGuyvered a makeshift wheelchair using parts from a toy helicopter and a toy welding kit.

Too. Cute. Making. Me. Weak.

Too. Cute. Making. Me. Weak.

Turbo was the only one in his litter to be born with the defect and his previous owners were beginning to lose hope when vet after vet turned them down saying there was nothing they could do for the pup, until they got to Downtown Veterinarian.

According to Mashable, despite the birth defect, Turbo has a clean bill of health after a check up by Dr. Kim Cline. Turbo’s owners left him in the care of Dr. Cline and and staff member Ashley Looper.

I can't. I just can't.

I can’t. I just can’t. He’s in a damn tissue box!

Dogs who require carts can’t be fitted until they reach six months when they’re close to fully grown, but the staff at Downtown wanted to kickstart his mobility which led to the idea of making a cart suitable for a pup his size. They thought of everything from Matchbox cars to building a small skateboard when they  finally went with toy helicopter parts and finished it off with a children’s welding kit.

My head is about to explode! I can't take it!

My head is about to explode! I can’t take it!

The staff enlisted the help of Zore’s Towing, a local towing company, to fabricate a new cart that will better support Turbo, until he’s big enough for a permanent one.

Be sure to keep tabs on Turbo as he takes over the world by way of his instagram account!


Japan’s Most Famous School Girl

CBS46 News 

Ah yes! Japan. Home of the weirdest porn and food that still crawls. You’d think that we’d no longer be surprise at the eccentricities of their unique culture. Well, meet Hideaki Kobayashi. Put him in a robe and he’d look like a sensei from 18th century Japan. However, that’s not his attire of choice. You won’t find Kobayashi rocking a suit and tie either. You can forget about t-shirts and jeans. Kobayashi is most comfortable in what has made him a very popular personality. School girl uniforms.


Paint me like one of your French girls!

Paint me like one of your French girls!

Kobayashi, a computer engineer and photographer by day started dressing as a school girl about three years ago, debuting at an art and design event. As he’s grown more comfortable with his own appearance, he has become more open with his intentions. His reasoning behind the get up? Kobayashi says “Japan society is about conforming to other people, I just want to wear something cute.”

Werk that camera!

Werk that camera!

Despite challenging gender norms, Kobayashi says he is a heterosexual male. He loves women, and does not consider himself to be a woman. He just likes to dress as a school girl.

Please don't lift the skirt.

Please don’t lift the skirt.

Despite the negative feedback he receives on the streets, mostly by other men, Kobayashi has become quite the internet celebrity, mostly among young girls who want to take pictures with him. One prep school has even hired him to teach teens to think for themselves.

Click here for original article from HuffPo.


Arrested Over Vagina Kayak

Quick tip: Don’t pass around images of your nether regions if you’re in Japan. Probably something Japanese artist Megumi Igarashi, who goes by the alias Rokudenashiko, should have considered before crowdfunding a project to build a kayak molded after her own vagina!

Rokudenashiko with her Vagina-Kayak

Apparently, Japan has a law making it illegal to display, sell, or distribute obscene images, a law the 42 year old Igarashi broke when she emailed 3D images of her scanned vagina to over 30 contributors of her “Pussy-Boat” project.

In the very conservative Japanese culture, women’s privates aren’t spoken about, often referred to as “Asako” (translated as “Down there”), while Igarashi refers to it as “Manko” (Pussy) as a way to fight the taboo. There is, however, no taboo for the male genitalia.

This isn’t the artist’s first project. Igarashi seems to have a theme going with other pieces, like dioramas,

Remote controlled cars,


Smartphone cases,

and yes, even Buddha statues!


Igarashi intends on creating more “Manka” inspired art. Future projects include a bed, a door, and even a car! There is a petition filed through Change.org to release the artist and to remove this law, before they send Igarashi up the river. Too soon?




Showerhead Girlfriend

We get it, dating is hard: Tinder is a minefield of potential creepiness, blind dates still carry that whole “I might be murdered” risk factor, and getting out of the friend-zone is like finding a funny episode of “Dads”: it’s impossible.

But now the “finding love” situation is so dire, one guy apparently decided to turn his shower head into a real woman — and by “real” we mean a super, creepy plastic doll.

Read More Here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/14/forever-alone_n_5585491.html